My hubby asked me a very intriguing question yesterday. I felt it was intriguing cos he was never one of those very health-concerned type. 'I have read some articles and got to know that most of the biscuits/ crackers sold commercially are cancer-causing. Is that true? If yes, what can we eat instead?' ... Me: Yes, true to a certain extent. Nowadays these commercially available snacks, even baked goods like bread and cakes, all contains hydrogenated fats or shortenings, flavorings, additives which are potentially accumulative in our body and can be cancer-causing in the long term. BUT *I place very heavy emphasis on the BUT, we are no saint, and we won't be able to make sure all the food we eat are 100% clean, and even though I operate an organic shop, I still do not advocate that, cos you'll become super paranoid and stressed, and .. if one day, you get cancer, you'll get sooo depressed, cos you've done so much to prevent it and yet ... ' We can only practice healthy eating and indulge in moderation. The causes of cancer is multi-factorial. We will not be able to prevent it by just avoiding ONE type of food, cos cancer causing agents are everywhere. Just look at our best-friend, our phone, our laptop, the TV, they are one of the strongest promoter of cancer! 10 years ago, when I frequently conduct health talks when I worked in KL, I used to tell people that 1 in 4 will get cancer, and the stats continue to slowly change to 1 in 3 and so forth. I am not too sure of what the stats is like now. But personally I still continue to eat healthier, live happily and enjoy every moment with my loved ones. One thing I do practice frequently is this detox program - 24hr liver and gall detox program, to help cleanse toxins build up in my body and increase the rate that I process toxins out from my own body. I should be doing once every 6 months, but I have been quite lagged lately, so here I am doing it again, about 10 months late.
I have been advocating and selling this detox program in my premis Just Health Sandakan for over 3 years. Personally, it has helped me maintain my metabolism, my weight and helped to achieve glowing skin, so whenever I felt that my skin gets dull and lack-lustre, I knew it's time I go onto this program. Many people have inquired and benefited tremendously from it but I have never blogged about it. I felt it's time I share about it as I go on the program. To me, the 24hr detox program starts officially on Saturday (it's only Wednesday today) that's because 3 days before the detox, we would drink a sachet of the green enzyme drink every morning to prep our body. Throughout this 3 days, we would eat a balanced diet and to make sure we do drink at least 2-3 litres of water. The 3-days prep phase is very important as the consumption of the green enzyme drink helps to remove constipated stools from our body and enable us to detoxify better during the official 'detox' day.
WHO would benefit from this detox program:
- Those with toxin problems, fatigue, poor immunity
- High cholesterol, body fat, hypertension
- Indigestion, constipation
- Allergies
- Skin problem, eg acne, skin allergy, eczema
- Migraine, arthritis, joint pain
- Hormonal imbalance
One of my very first client back in year 2012 who did this program was someone with recurring bloating and poor skin tone. She has also been tested with a few small size gallstones in her body. She did this. Two weeks later, she came back to the shop, happily, she announced that the gallstones were gone (she did another test to check). And it was quite apparent that she has lost some weight from it, and her skin tone was glowing! She has also shown us some photos of the 'output' and there were a lot of the 'emerald green stones' which was a sign of liver duct and gall-duct congestion and toxins build up, which explained the poor skin tone.
28th Jan 2015, Wednesday - Prep Day 1
I do not start my detox program officially on Saturday 31st Jan, but 3 days prior to the program, I need to go on a less-meat and less-oil diet, plus taking a daily dose of Green enzyme to prep my body. Doing this will help me to rid off constipated stools and toxins from my system, allowing more liver and gallbladder deposits to be removed during the detox program later on. So this morning, I had meehoon for breakfast. For lunch, both my little and I had macaroni in soup. At night, I had brown rice with fish and veg for dinner. I shouldn't take any caffeine during this few days even as I prepped my body for the detox, but coffee has been such an addiction to me, I still took a few sip of coffee this morning.
Changes or effects on my body: Not much noticed.
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Lunch: Macaroni in soup |
29th Jan 2015, Thurs - Prep Day 2
Since I'm going on a less-meat and less-oil diet this few days for the detox, I've made roasted pumpkin and tomato soup for breakfast, and angel hair pasta and mushroom with roasted pumpkin sauce for lunch. For dinner, I had little rice with chicken and veg.
Changes or effects on body, after having my Green enzyme drink, a couple of hours later, I started to experience headache. This is quite normal, cos I had this too the last round I did the detox. This is quite a common symptoms due to toxins being dislodged from the body. I tried not to take medication for it, and just made myself take it easy and drank more water. This round, I have also experienced body aches especially near upper back and shoulder. Went to toilet for bowel elimination twice today. Normally I go once per day.
30th Jan 2015, Fri - Prep Day 3
Today I made banana cheese cupcakes for the little fella, so I had that with half a mug of organic walnut and sesame drink as breakfast.
The headache from yesterday had eased but during the evening, my body was itching all over. This is another symptoms of slow body detox. I felt that this round, my symptoms are more apparent and more severe.
31st Jan 2015, Sat, DETOX Day 1
I will be embarking on the 24hr full course detox program later on at 1pm today. So I started the day with a light breakfast of a mug of organic walnut and sesame drink with a banana. For lunch, I had about 3 small bowls of carrot and pumpkin oat and rice congee.
It's the first day of February, but to me, to my body, I have not felt so refreshed and 'light' since so long. I have gone to the toilet and 'eliminated' some toxins long stucked in my body for 3 rounds this morning, and I'm truly elated to see the amount that came out (see following photos for output), I have done this detox program twice before, but I have never gotten such good report cards before. There are a mixture of toxin categories that came out, the bright emerald color are liver and gallbladder deposits, the brownish yellow/ greenish yellow ones are the fatty substances from my body, and the dark colored ones are residues from chemicals and medications consumed.
Changes to the body: I felt very light and my bulging tummy felt flat, never felt so flat before. Even though I'm a little tired from waking up at 6am due to the toilet call, but mentally I felt refreshed. I weighed myself after the few rounds of toilet call, I have lost 1.5kg (not as amazing, compared to my detox buddy F in KL who have lost 3kg, or my detox buddy M who lost 2kg), but weight loss isn't my main call for action for the detox. My intention is to clear off some toxins accumulated and for my skin to get better. I felt that my skin is healing slower from those pimple growth, and this prompted me for this round of detox session.
I slept very well last night, and wake up feeling and looking very refreshed! In fact, when I put on my skin care and foundation in the morning, I can feel that my skin is taking the skin care and foundation very well! Wondering if this is mere psychological. LOL. I weighed myself again, knowing that some of those weight lost maybe due to water loss from the body. Actual weight loss is 1.3kg. Also lost an inch from the waist and hip. Hoooray! I gotta make sure I maintain this till CNY.
My body fat percentage has dropped from 24.8 to 22.2%! That's a whooping 2.6% drop!
My body fat percentage has dropped from 24.8 to 22.2%! That's a whooping 2.6% drop!
What does this program consist of:
- Green enzyme drink sachet - enhance lymph detoxification, relieve constipation and bloatedness
- Organic apple juice - provides natural fruit sugar for energy and pectin that will binds to toxins in our intestines so they can be effectively excreted
- Royal Joy herbal tea that is made of green tea, roselle, grapeseeds, honeysuckle which will helps provide antioxidants that boost cell vitality and remove heavy metals build up from our body
- All nutrition meal drink that is made from apple, pineapple, lotus seeds, jobstears etc that will provide additional amount of bulk fiber to our body. It is also a meal replacement during the actual day of detox as one dinner will be skipped that night.
- Probiotics - to be taken after detoxification, to help replenish friendly bacteria that may have gotten lost during detoxification
- Organic lemon juice or grapefruit juice and olive oil - this is a very important combo for this detox, it is to be taken during the night of the first detox day, taking this combo helps to soften liver and gall stones thus making them easier to be flushed out
A detailed information sheet will be provided that will guide you on your consumption during the detox day. For enquiries, please do not hesitate to email me at
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